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Right now, you have the power to transform countless lives. Act with urgency, donate to NHRC, and together, we will end the overdose crisis, expand access to life-saving resources, build capacity among harm reduction organizations, and champion policies that prioritize compassion, justice, and equity.

Join our movement. Your donation to NHRC today is a vital step toward a healthier, more inclusive society. Time is of the essence. Act now.

Photo courtesy of Brooke Anderson, Movement Photography

Defend Life-Saving Programs

Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) and harm reduction initiatives are under attack from policies and public attitudes that threaten their existence. These programs are crucial for saving lives, promoting public health, and providing essential resources to people who use drugs. By donating to the National Harm Reduction Coalition, you can help us support, uplift, and defend these vital services.

 Recurring Donor Border
The need for sustained financial support has never been more critical.

The harm reduction community, our haven of support and resilience, is currently under attack. Political and societal forces threaten the very fabric of the movement we've worked tirelessly to build. In these trying times, the need for sustained financial support has never been more critical.

Past contributions have been instrumental in propelling us forward, allowing us to make strides in ending the overdose crisis, providing vital peer support nationwide, and advocating for policies that uplift the dignity of people who use drugs.

And yet, the battle is ongoing, and we require your continued support to protect the harm reduction movement against the headwinds of adversity.

Monthly giving is the bedrock of our ability to withstand these challenges and ensure our initiatives flourish. By committing to a monthly donation, you help continue NHRC’s work in 2024. Year-to-date, in 2022, we completed over 1,000 technical assistance engagements, conducted over 110 trainings, developed two well-received harm reduction toolkits, and helped achieve legislative wins at the federal and state levels.

We brought together an unprecedented 2,500 people at the 2022 National Harm Reduction Conference, distributed over 50,000 kits to Syringe Services Programs (SSPs), and contributed to saving hundreds of lives from accidental drug overdose death.

Your ongoing support sustains safe spaces for dialogue and action—spaces that are crucial in healing the harms inflicted by racialized drug policies that persist. It fuels our efforts to infuse harm reduction with the transformative power of racial justice, ensuring that our movement remains a beacon of hope and progress.


Harm Reduction Hero


Your generous monthly contribution at this level makes a profound impact on our training institutes, providing crucial resources to equip providers nationwide with the wisdom of our movement. You are instrumental in empowering these providers with the tools they need to uplift and support individuals and communities impacted by the the so-called “War on Drugs,” which is a war on people.

Harm Reduction Champion


As a Harm Reduction Champion, your monthly donation is a powerful step toward ending the overdose crisis. Your support ensures that naloxone and fentanyl test strips are readily available, reaching the hands of everyone who needs them. By walking hand in hand with us, you are actively contributing to saving lives and creating a safer, healthier future.

Harm Reduction Advocate


Your ongoing commitment as a Harm Reduction Advocate supports our mission to make sterile syringes accessible to people who use drugs. This evidence-based public health service has the potential to reduce HIV and hepatitis C infection rates by as much as 50 percent. Your contribution at this level is a crucial investment in the well-being of people who use drugs.

Harm Reduction Steward


Every contribution matters, and as a Harm Reduction Steward, your $10 monthly donation is a vital part of our advocacy efforts. Your support helps us push for policy reform at the local, state, and national levels. Together, we work toward increasing access to evidence-based harm reduction strategies and eliminating disparities people who use drugs face in accessing healthcare and basic human services.

Ways to donate:

  • Monthly and one-time
                                        online donationsMonthly and one-time online donations
  • Checks or money orders
                                        to NHRC,243 Fifth Avenue, Box #529, New York, NY 10016Checks or money orders to NHRC, 243 Fifth Avenue, Box #529, New York, NY 10016
  • Stock – please email NHRC’s development department at for stock gift instructions
    Stock – please email NHRC’s development department for stock gift instructions
  • Create your legacy in 20 minutes with FreeWill

    By designating NHRC as a beneficiary, you make a lasting investment in the future of harm reduction. Your legacy will empower us to sustain and expand our programs, outreach, and advocacy efforts for generations to come.
    Two people pose together. Person at left smiles while making peace sign hand gesture. They have black shirt on that reads in part, “RADICAL LOVE” with red flowers. They have a tattoo of a flower near their left wrist. Person at right wears black sweatshirt and smiles while holding sign reading, OVERDOSE DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE.

    Together, we can make a difference

    We take pride in the fact that a significant portion of every dollar you donate directly fuels our reach and amplifies our impact. Whether it's providing access to life-saving tools like naloxone and fentanyl test strips or ensuring our advocacy resonates far and wide, your support creates a meaningful difference.

    Sustain our movement for compassion, justice, and equity.


    We couldn’t do the work we do without our generous supporters.


    Thank you to all our supporters!

    Gratitude in Action

    At National Harm Reduction Coalition, we believe in the transformative power of collective action, and we are profoundly grateful for individuals like you who stand with us in our mission to create a safer, healthier future for people who use drugs and communities impacted by the the so-called “War on Drugs,” which is a war on people. Whether you've been with us from the beginning or have recently joined our mission, please accept our heartfelt gratitude. Your belief in the harm reduction movement is a testament to the strength of our community.